Register as a patient & book your appointment online with Dr. John Passantino! You may also call the office for help with registration and booking.
Start HereStep 1Once you register, check your email for our Patient Portal (AthenaHealth) registration. After your create your account/password, you may download the MyPrivia app to easily access your electronic medical record chart.
Athena Log inStep 2Try to come 15 minutes early to finish registration & sign consent forms. You will need your ID and insurance card. If you are on any medications, please bring them with you so we can have an updated medication list on record. Don't forget to fast if you are expecting bloodwork!
Welcome to the practice!Step 3Once you've established care with Dr. Passantino, you will have the option to add on concierge services if it is right for you!
See more belowStep 4In order to sign up for concierge services, you will need to come to the office for initial consultation.
Established patients:
Step 1: Simply email [email protected] with your interest in adding on concierge services and/or discuss with Dr. Passantino during one of your visits.
New patients:
Step 1: Follow the steps 1-3 above to register with the practice.
Step 2: Schedule a one time in-office visit to establish care (required). Dr. Passantino will review how it works & what is included with membership.
Step 3: If it is right for you, the office will get you set up and rolled into the concierge membership!